AREA47 is Austria’s largest outdoor leisure park, the playground for outdoor and adrenaline enthusiasts, not only in Tyrol, but far beyond. The unique infrastructure is just the right place to have fun and push yourself to the limit. Two triggers for the Zanier Gloves athlete Street Trial and downhill biker Gabriel Wibmer. Let’s put it this way: on Friday, May 13, 2022, he made the most of an afternoon at AREA47.

Product development of the Gabriel Wibmer BikeGloves.
Gabriel Wibmer has been a Zanier athlete since 2018 and has been providing valuable inputs for highly functional gloves in our mountain bike, downhill & enduro segment. Since 2021, the Gabriel Wibmer Signature Glove has been available exclusively in the Zanier online shop. This glove is a further development of Gabriel’s favourite model shredder, and wears his personal design. On May, 13 Gabriel spoke to CEO Markus Zanier about further developments of his signature gloves in the Zanier Showroom at SOHO2 in Innsbruck, just over half an hour away from AREA47.

The adventure park is a cooperation partner of our brand, part of the equipment on the guided (e-)bike tours in the region are gloves in the casual AREA47 branding. Together with the AREA47 management, we invited Gabriel Wibmer to visit the adventure park after the product development meeting.
Gabriel Wibmer with trial bike on the 17-meter-high water jump
Two winners of our Zanier Gloves Instagram competition accompanied Gabriel. Both were allowed to choose a joint activity in the AREA47 with Gabriel. More on that later, the day was long... 😊 First of all, Gabriel took his time to check out the water area and mark out where he can push his limits with his trial bike. During a relaxed lunch on the terrace of the Lakeside Restaurant, he had a good view of the area. That was the calm before the storm. This was followed by a well-attended autograph session and some tricks, including from the roof of a shed in the Water Area. It was clear to us that Gabriel wanted to go high when he was on his way to inspect the Slip’n”Slide hill. The ramp goes up 17 metres. Visitors can live out their daredevil fantasies, including a subsequent flight upwards, on a slide; freestyle skiers used to train on the side of the slide. Gabriel had found his obstacle for this day. After a test jump it was clear that the plastic carpet, which is common for grass skiers, offers too little grip for Gabriel's trial bike. The AREA47 staff quickly set to work to provide an optimal surface on the ramp. Then the guests of Lakeside could watch some backflips and a double backflip of the bike talent right in front of their noses.

An epic day with Gabriel Wibmer at AREA47.
That wasn’t enough adrenaline for Gabriel Wibmer. Together with Felix and Paul, the winners of our Instagram Contest, we went to Flying Fox and Mega Swing. The path to the 27-metre-high platform is already a challenge. Under the car bridge at an altitude of 27 metres, only a narrow suspension bridge leads to the launch pad for both experiences. First Felix, Paul and Gabriel flew 400 meters over the Water Area with the Flying Fox. Afterwards, Felix and Gabs threw themselves in freefall. After 8 meters of free fall, this mega swing jump turns into a swing that dangles spectacularly under the motorway bridge at an exposed point of the AREA47. A great day, we’ll be back. There is still a lot to try out in the ultimate outdoor leisure park.
Photocredits: totschnigflo